Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to Mommy!

I got off work Saturday morning and came home to the sweetest birthday presents ever. My precious kiddos met me at the door with roses, a beautiful cake, and lots of hugs and big, wet kisses. Then we went out for pancakes. It was so fun! That evening before work, Chris cooked me dinner and they had more surprises up their sleeves. Ella and Cade gave me a very sweet Mickey Mouse birthday card...
And a couple of gift certificates- one of them for a pregnancy massage! Oh, I can't tell you how excited I am about that!!
Making some birthday wishes before we blew out the candles. I love hearing these two sing Happy Birthday. And I love that every single time we sing it, Cade pretends to blow out candles at the end. It is so sweet! You can imagine how excited he gets when it's the real thing!
I feel so, so blessed to have such a thoughtful husband and this beautiful, little family. Even though I had to work both nights, they still made the day extra special for me. The little girl in my tummy was giving me extra kicks all day, too! I love them all so much!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Happy Birthday! :)