Thoughts, stories, and pictures of this sweet journey we call life
Thursday, December 23, 2010
It's Christmas Eve...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
E's letter to Santa
Starting early, isn't he?
Look closely- Ella's little pup, Sing-along, is under the tv cabinet...
I came up behind Cade as he was stuffing it under there. I said, "What are you doing, Buddy? Is that Sing-along?" He turned around, put his little finger over his mouth, said, "Ssshhhh!" and took off running, laughing the whole way. Little stinker! Isn't he kind of young to already be tormenting his sister?! haha!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Wonder what it could be??
I am cracking up! This is my conversation with Ella when I got home from work this morning.
Ella: Mom, you're going to be so excited when you see what we got you for Christmas last night!
Me: I am? I can't wait! I wonder what it could be...
Ella: Well, I can't tell you what it is... but I will tell you it's not socks. And it's not make-up. And it's not a purse.
Me: Did you pick it out?
Ella: Yeah, Daddy took us to Target and we got you a- well, it's a surprise, but it's not a movie. You're gonna' love it! I know you want to know what it is, but you have to wait.
Me: Okay. Are you going to help Daddy wrap it?
Ella: Yeah, we're gonna' wrap it today when you're asleep. Daddy doesn't want you to see it. He even hid it. It's in his closet in a special bag so you won't know where it is.
Me: It is? He put it in his closet?
Ella: Yeah, he put it in a special bag on a shelf waaay back in his closet so you won't know where it is. Because it's a secret. What's so funny, Mommy? What are you laughing at?
hahaha! I was glad I hadn't told her where Daddy's presents are hidden! When Chris came down the stairs, I asked him about the gifts hidden waaaay back in his closet. He laughed and then proceeded to tell me, "Don't worry. We're going to wrap your gift in one of the extra boxes you got at Dick's the other day. I told Ella we needed to get a box and she said you had some extra from when you bought my clothes." haha! There are no secrets in this house! She is too much!
Ella: Mom, you're going to be so excited when you see what we got you for Christmas last night!
Me: I am? I can't wait! I wonder what it could be...
Ella: Well, I can't tell you what it is... but I will tell you it's not socks. And it's not make-up. And it's not a purse.
Me: Did you pick it out?
Ella: Yeah, Daddy took us to Target and we got you a- well, it's a surprise, but it's not a movie. You're gonna' love it! I know you want to know what it is, but you have to wait.
Me: Okay. Are you going to help Daddy wrap it?
Ella: Yeah, we're gonna' wrap it today when you're asleep. Daddy doesn't want you to see it. He even hid it. It's in his closet in a special bag so you won't know where it is.
Me: It is? He put it in his closet?
Ella: Yeah, he put it in a special bag on a shelf waaay back in his closet so you won't know where it is. Because it's a secret. What's so funny, Mommy? What are you laughing at?
hahaha! I was glad I hadn't told her where Daddy's presents are hidden! When Chris came down the stairs, I asked him about the gifts hidden waaaay back in his closet. He laughed and then proceeded to tell me, "Don't worry. We're going to wrap your gift in one of the extra boxes you got at Dick's the other day. I told Ella we needed to get a box and she said you had some extra from when you bought my clothes." haha! There are no secrets in this house! She is too much!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Santa's little helpers
Fun night at home
Ella could hardly wait for Daddy to get home from work last night. She had made us a special Christmas present at preschool and she was anxious for us to open it up!
First, there was a very sweet handmade card...
And the gift was a very pretty Christmas charger decorated by Ella. It even has her Santa handprint in the middle! We love it!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas party and shopping
Saturday night was the annual Sonoco Christmas party. It was nice to have some time with my hubby and it's usually pretty fun to hear stories of "work Chris". And I'm always surprised by how many of them try to get me to tell them stories of Chris at home or in the past. They're all thinking they are going to get a little dirt on the boss. It's always funny to me. Anyways, we had a good time. We didn't come away with the 42 inch TV, but we did win a fishing rod! Chris says it's going to look pretty good hanging in our garage. haha! We'd like to re-gift it, but don't even know who we'd give it to. If you happen to know someone who would get good use out of it, let us know!
A pic of me and my hot date...
And that's two dates in two weeks, if you're counting. Maybe we're on to something here! I kind of like it.
Yesterday we headed out and almost finished our Christmas shopping! Yay! As the day progressed and the snow came down, the stores cleared out. Luckily though, I'm married to a man who enjoys driving in the snow more than he enjoys driving without it, so we shopped in empty stores and had a ball together. Then, after a few donuts in the parking lot, we headed home with lots of fun, little goodies in our sleigh- playdoh, finger paints, little cars, puzzles. Santa ended up having to order both Ella and Cade's big presents online, because they were sold out in stores. They are going to be thrilled! I absolutely can't wait to see their faces on Christmas morning!!
A pic of me and my hot date...
Yesterday we headed out and almost finished our Christmas shopping! Yay! As the day progressed and the snow came down, the stores cleared out. Luckily though, I'm married to a man who enjoys driving in the snow more than he enjoys driving without it, so we shopped in empty stores and had a ball together. Then, after a few donuts in the parking lot, we headed home with lots of fun, little goodies in our sleigh- playdoh, finger paints, little cars, puzzles. Santa ended up having to order both Ella and Cade's big presents online, because they were sold out in stores. They are going to be thrilled! I absolutely can't wait to see their faces on Christmas morning!!
Belly laughs
The other night over dinner, Daddy was making Cade laugh so hard he could hardly catch his breath. It was some little gesture that the rest of us wouldn't usually find the least bit amusing, but Cade thought it was hysterical.
I love this! How can you not smile when you see this picture?! He is so fun!!
Practice cookies
We are in charge of bringing some cookies to Ella's preschool Christmas program this week, so we decided to try out a new, simple recipe and make some practice cookies a few days ago. Ella did most of the prep work all by herself. Big task, especially when your little brother is crying and literally hanging on your arm!! haha!
Fuzzy socks
Just because I think it's sweet...
Ella has taken to wearing my warm, fuzzy socks around the house. I have a few different colors and she will try them all on before deciding on which pair she will wear that day. She thinks she's being so funny and so grown-up at the same time. There is something about it that just kind of melts my heart at the same time, too. I guess it's because I can remember wearing things of my mom's when I was little and I know Ella is making those same memories now. Funny how something as simple as fuzzy socks can make me fall in love with being a mommy all over again.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmas in the eyes of a 4 year old
I have to share a little bit about how much fun I'm having with Ella this Christmas season. Of course, Cade is such good entertainment all the time, too, but Ella is at such a great age and is sooo excited about everything Christmas. The very first thing she does every morning is plug in the tree and all the decorations. Then she changes the number on our Christmas counter, and everyday she says, "Wow, I can't believe it's only __ days till Christmas!" 18 this morning!!
She is very interested in talking about Baby Jesus and how he was born. We have some window clings of the nativity scene and we talk about Jesus' birth almost every morning at breakfast. She used to always ask why he had to be born in the stable, but preparing for her Christmas program at school has taught her the reason- "Because there wasn't room." That's her line in the program and she says it so proudly. Now, everytime I ask her why Jesus wasn't born inside somewhere warm, she says, "Because there wasn't room!" =)
We sing Christmas carols all the time. She really likes Deck the Halls and Jingle Bells, but her favorite is We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Chris and I get so tickled every single time she sings it, because according to her, the lyrics are, "Oh, bring me some stinky pudding. Oh, bring me some stinky pudding. Oh, bring me some stinky pudding, and you better bring it here." haha! We have a snowman that sings it, and I guess when he says "figgy", it sounds like "stinky" to her. I have laughed and laughed. I love it so much!
We have spent lots of time making ornaments and reading Christmas stories. We talk an awful lot about Santa, his reindeer, and the long trip he has to make on Christmas Eve. And Ella, always worried about details, has so many questions. What if he gets stuck in the chimney? Won't he get burned in the fire? His outfit is going to be so dirty! If he can't get down the chimney, will he just come in the front door? Should we leave it unlocked or does he have a key? Is our yard big enough for the reindeer to land? Will he go to Julia's house first (right across the street) or come to ours? I hope he doesn't mix up our presents! Will he come to my room to see if I'm asleep? And MANY, MANY more. It is so fun watching her try to figure it all out, but I feel like I have to be so careful about what I say! I've told her several times that it's just Christmas magic, and I've heard her repeating that to Cade. It is not in her nature to accept it at face value though; she wants to know how it works. I really love that about her, but I have a feeling she will be one who, in the next year or two, will simply decide to stop believing in Santa because it's just not logical to her.
We have also made an effort to watch all the traditional Christmas cartoons when they air on TV. Ella loves the old Grinch cartoon and she and Cade both sat so still through all of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer the other night. I was kind of surprised they enjoyed it so much, especially since it's so different from the cartoons on TV now, but they both oohed and gasped every time they saw the abominable snowman. haha! They are so fun! And tonight is Charlie Brown's Christmas and I can't wait! We plan to be on the couch with our popcorn at 8 pm sharp! =)
She is very interested in talking about Baby Jesus and how he was born. We have some window clings of the nativity scene and we talk about Jesus' birth almost every morning at breakfast. She used to always ask why he had to be born in the stable, but preparing for her Christmas program at school has taught her the reason- "Because there wasn't room." That's her line in the program and she says it so proudly. Now, everytime I ask her why Jesus wasn't born inside somewhere warm, she says, "Because there wasn't room!" =)
We sing Christmas carols all the time. She really likes Deck the Halls and Jingle Bells, but her favorite is We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Chris and I get so tickled every single time she sings it, because according to her, the lyrics are, "Oh, bring me some stinky pudding. Oh, bring me some stinky pudding. Oh, bring me some stinky pudding, and you better bring it here." haha! We have a snowman that sings it, and I guess when he says "figgy", it sounds like "stinky" to her. I have laughed and laughed. I love it so much!
We have spent lots of time making ornaments and reading Christmas stories. We talk an awful lot about Santa, his reindeer, and the long trip he has to make on Christmas Eve. And Ella, always worried about details, has so many questions. What if he gets stuck in the chimney? Won't he get burned in the fire? His outfit is going to be so dirty! If he can't get down the chimney, will he just come in the front door? Should we leave it unlocked or does he have a key? Is our yard big enough for the reindeer to land? Will he go to Julia's house first (right across the street) or come to ours? I hope he doesn't mix up our presents! Will he come to my room to see if I'm asleep? And MANY, MANY more. It is so fun watching her try to figure it all out, but I feel like I have to be so careful about what I say! I've told her several times that it's just Christmas magic, and I've heard her repeating that to Cade. It is not in her nature to accept it at face value though; she wants to know how it works. I really love that about her, but I have a feeling she will be one who, in the next year or two, will simply decide to stop believing in Santa because it's just not logical to her.
We have also made an effort to watch all the traditional Christmas cartoons when they air on TV. Ella loves the old Grinch cartoon and she and Cade both sat so still through all of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer the other night. I was kind of surprised they enjoyed it so much, especially since it's so different from the cartoons on TV now, but they both oohed and gasped every time they saw the abominable snowman. haha! They are so fun! And tonight is Charlie Brown's Christmas and I can't wait! We plan to be on the couch with our popcorn at 8 pm sharp! =)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Holiday in Lights
Snowflakes, hot apple cider, Christmas lights, time with my family- it doesn't get much better than this in my book! We headed over to Sharon Woods last night to see the Holiday in Lights. The kiddos had a ball, whether it was because of the lights or the fact that they got to ride up front with Chris and me. Ella got to sit on Daddy's lap and even help drive!
Cade kept oohing and aahing. I asked if he was having fun and he couldn't nod that little head hard enough. haha! Look at that scary blue mouth!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
And speaking of trees...
I think these Christmas trees are going to be a backdrop for pretty much everything we do these next few weeks. Ella and Cade are crazy about 'em! They wanted to read some books the other night and who could think of a better place to settle in than beside the tree? I think this is such a sweet picture.
Ella has decorated and redecorated her pink tree probably 50 times. The first time was very dramatic and tear-filled after a one and a half year old tornado came through and knocked it over. Since then she has realized how fun it is to take all the ornaments off and put them back on. She says she likes to see how they look in different places. =)
A little decorating
Decorating the Christmas tree was a whole family affair. Ella snapped a picture as we were getting started.
Then she wanted to see how she looked wrapped in silver garland. Very fancy, E!
Cade sat on Daddy's shoulders and helped wrap the garland around...
Ella, true to form, was very careful and meticulous as she placed each special ornament...
Cade, also true to form, opted to throw the ornaments into the tree rather than take the time to hang them! Their little personalities are both so funny and different. I think it's neat that you can see those differences in something as little as the way each approaches decorating the Christmas tree.
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