Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A visit with "Great-Grammy"

Last week, the kiddos and I traveled to Irvine, Kentucky, to see my mamaw. We hardly ever get to see her and it's a trip I have been wanting to make forever. Ella has only seen her a handful of times ever, and Cade maybe once or twice. So, when it happened to work out with our busy schedules and it was a time when my mom was already going to be down there, we packed up and jumped in the car. I'm so glad we did. We had such a great time! The kids were so excited to be there and loved running around exploring. For the most part, the grown-ups did little more than sit around, drinking coffee, laughing and talking. Mamaw loves to play checkers, so we did a lot of that, too (yep, you guessed it, Mamaw beat me everytime!!). Mamaw loved spending time with Ella and Cade. I don't think the smile ever left her face and I lost count of how many times she told me that I had the prettiest and smartest babies she'd ever seen. Quite the compliment coming from a woman with over fifty grandchildren!! And I'm sure she's never said that about any of the rest of them! =) Ella took to calling her Great-Grammy, "because you're Grammy's mommy, you know," and I've never seen Cade become such fast buddies with anyone- he hardly left her side! I'm so, so thankful we were able to share this time with her.
Cade playing checkers with Mamaw...
He loved running and giving her hugs, and you better believe she ate that up!

Ella taking her turn at checkers...
When we got home, I was excited to show Ella the quilt Mamaw made for me several years ago. I have showed it to her in the past, but she never quite understood who made it. I love that she can make that connection now. She is pretty darn proud to say, "Look at our special quilt, Mommy! Great-Grammy made it just for us!"

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